Saturday, September 12, 2009

100th Post

It's funny that today I would log on after almost a month of not blogging to find out that this is my 100th post! Crazy I say, it doesn't feel like that, I still feel as though I'm barely getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. It's even more amusing to think that I was wondering if I even would come back. Lately I've been feeling like blogs are to braggy you know? Look at what I bought, made, did etc. I'm not effectively conveying what I originally wanted in this space. Well, whatever, maybe the next 100 post's will be better, and hopefully more enjoyable to read.

Lately my crafting has taken a bit of a back seat to life. Homeschooling is getting off to a great start this year, we are going through a very laid back charter school and it's turning out to be a great choice for our family. We are doing all sorts of fun things that would have otherwise been impossible on our shoestring budget and I'm using the exact same curriculum I would have picked independently. With the help of my husband and the teacher we are working with I really foresee this being a more enjoyable year for me.

We have also been enjoying the last bits of summer left, that is the summer fruit that's left. A friend of ours gifted us with about 20-30lbs of organic peaches which became smoothie peaches, pie peaches,

and peach fruit leather. We were SO excited to give fruit leather a try using our new dehydrator given to us from the depths of our friends garage. So happy to find out that it did in fact work, yay! A really great way to use up the slightly bruised peaches.

Weekly trips to farmer's market have been a must around here, trying to scoop up the last of the years strawberries to freeze for winter's pie's and smoothies. Northern California Farmer's Markets have the most awesome strawberries, truly they have no comparison to the little hard ones in the grocery store

The prices are unbeatable too, I think what I have photographed there was just a little over $20.


melissa said...

I dunno, I still think blogs are fun :). Personally, it's fun for me to be able to "keep up" with friends and see what they've been up to...I honestly never intended to be "braggy" with my blog, but started it so my kids' grandparents could see what they'd been doing lately--although I'm doing a terrible job these days! I have a lot of cute pictures I want to post, but the main computer I'm used to uploading them on isn't working, so I guess I need to figure out how to do it on the lap top soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th post! :)

I have a love/hate relationship at times with Blog World. There are many that I avoid because the perfection is just too depressing. But there are many more that I truly love reading and have been happy to get to know the writers of.

Err..was that sentence even grammatically correct?!