Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Curriculum

So, one thing I haven't talked about much on this blog is the fact that we homeschool. This year is the first year we are doing with an actual curriculum and I'm excited. We got the pre-k 4/5 Core from Sonlight and some supplies from Discount School supply. This year we will mainly focus on literature, art, and learning our letters and numbers. I've been organizing and getting everything ready for us to start next week. Here is my hutch in my kitchen that I use for our homeschool cabinet. We have books, games, art supplies, and puzzles in there right now.

I also wanted to include some review for a few of my favorite purchases this year.

Organic Crafts by Kimberly Monaghan, totally awesome. While some of the projects are to advanced for L, there's a ton in there for me! There are recipes in there to make your own paste, glue, paint, tye dye, clay, etc. I think this will remain a part of our collection for many years to come, I'm sure I will still be using it when I have grandbabies. Milly-Molly-Mandy Storybook by Joyce Lankester Brisley a sweet story book from a time less complicated then our own. It's about a sweet little girl who lives with her mom, dad, auncle, aunt, grandma and her grandpa. She is smart, cute and quite loveable, a joy to read.
Is A Blue Whale The Biggest Thing There Is? By Robert E. Wells. Teach purportion and relativism to a child of 4, totally awesome. A Very fun read, even for mommy.

Yoga Kit for Kids by Imaginazium, not a book but cool. It comes with 25 great cards showing Yoga poses as animals. If I hadn't found this I would have made it myself. L loves doing yoga with me, so what a great way for her to get attive on rainy days.

We got many other great books, but so far these are my favorites may have to do a few more "mini-reviews" as the year progresses.


Luke Holzmann said...

I'm excited for you too! May this be the best year yet, with even better ones to come.


Anonymous said...

The organic craft book sounds neat--but is it complicated?! Thank goodness the kids get to do arts & crafts at school & church! We started school on Monday (25th), and it's gone well, but I'm still figuring out how to get everything done in a stress-free manner ;). Let me know what you think of the sonlight curriculum!

Sonia said...
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Sonia said...
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Anonymous said...

What a great blog! Thank you so much for sharing!